The project was launched on the 30th of November 2011 at the City Walls Space, Wood Quay Venue, Civic Offices, Dublin 8. There was a full turnout of people connected with the area, many of whom participated in the making of the book and plaques. Neighbours and friends who had left the area met for the first time in decades. Despite the November chill this was a night of warmth and good cheer
Opening speeches were made by Ray Yeates, Ruairi O'Cuiv and Cllr. John Gallagher.
Cllr John Gallagher delivers the opening speech.
Left to right :
Cllr John Gallagher,
Ray Yeates
- Arts Officer, Dublin City Council,
Ruairi O'Cuiv - Public Arts Officer, Dublin City Council.
Nicola Purcell and her Mother (Harriet Donnelly's neice).
Left to right - Mary Murtagh, Tom Murtagh and Steven Freer.
Marian Nolan, Chris Reid and Rita Behan.
In the background - John Slyman and Shelly.
The Redmond Family gather at the ancient City Walls.
Marie Redmond, Sean redmond, Irene Redmond & Fergus
Redmond who appeared as children in the cover photo taken
in the 1940's. Chris Reid is holding the book.
Four Redmonds with Mary Murtagh.
Left to right.
Chris Reid, Steven Freer,
John Freer and John Freer senior.
Harriet Donnelly (right) shows Margaret Taylor (left) a photo
her brother
John Donnelly ( published in the book).
John was in the Royal Airforce during World War 2.
Marie Redmond & Irene Redmond who appeared as children on
the cover of the book stand by a stack of the books.
126 of which were distributed free amongst the attendees.
John Gallagher delivered the opening speech at the foot of
the old city walls. Photos from local peoples personal
collections were projected on the large screen behind him.
* Generous thanks to all the residents of Nicholas Street, Ross Road, Bride Street, and Bride Road,
past and present who gave their time and stories to this project.
* Photographers credits:The first nine photos were taken by Johnny Banbury. The remaining three by Denise Davies.